1. Re: Issues with 9.4
rvansa Oct 29, 2018 6:26 AM (in response to alpic80)Eviction: Not sure if I follow: are you missing any check? The validation happens on the programmatic configuration where the deprecated configuration should 'alias' the preferred one.
SoftIndexFileStoreConfigurationBuilder: You're missing this artifact: Maven Repository: org.infinispan » infinispan-persistence-soft-index » 9.4.0.Final
9.4 and embedded: We're not releasing the 'uberjars' to Maven anymore as people used to mix Maven-managed dependencies with other ones, leading to classpath issues. If you're using maven, use the modules you really need (core, query...)
9.4 embedded source jar: the same as ^
Using RocksDb with OSGi not working: please file a JIRA and try to be more specific, preferably attaching a minimal reproducer. There has been a recent version update, so there might be a problem that the OSGi tests did not catch.
2. Re: Issues with 9.4
alpic80 Oct 29, 2018 6:50 AM (in response to rvansa)Radim,
Thanks for the quick reply.
For RocksDb I will prepare a test case and file a JIRA, For other packaging issues, that covers it.
As for the Eviction issue, here is what I have:
And when I run I get:
479197 [Gogo shell] INFO org.infinispan.configuration.cache.EvictionConfigurationBuilder - ISPN000152: Passivation configured without an eviction policy being selected. Only manually evicted entities will be passivated.
And in the method validate in EvictionConfigurationBulder:
- strategy = NONE
- passivation = true (obviously)
- template = false
which triggers the log.
So I don't see that it is getting the 'alias" strategy value from the memory configuration.
3. Re: Issues with 9.4
william.burns Oct 29, 2018 9:00 AM (in response to alpic80)The eviction one can be safely ignored. If the message had come from the memory config logger, then it would be an issue. If you want you can log a JIRA for it. To be honest the eviction config shouldn't be doing any validation anymore, as it is all handled via the memory config now.
4. Re: Issues with 9.4
alpic80 Oct 29, 2018 9:50 AM (in response to rvansa)In regards to the embedded Uber jar, after I installed the jar for the SoftIndex store I got the error logged here: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5193.
I think it would be a good thing to either warn users about this uber jar at the very least (no source jar and not extensible in some cases).
5. Re: Issues with 9.4
galder.zamarreno Oct 29, 2018 11:29 AM (in response to alpic80)We don't publish uber jars to Maven repositories any more due to many issues. We've been doing that in recent releases.