AS2 configuration when using xml files
vincent_g01 Nov 9, 2018 10:29 AMHi,
I am Edi junior project manager, and I have to set up a connection with my customer using AS2 protocol (MIME language).
My system is under Linux configuration.
I use an ESB (Mule) that generates ORDER messages with the following settings:
- Extension: .xml.
- Encoding style: UTF-8 without BOM
- Indentation : Yes
- End of line : LF
(Please see the File screenshot below)
I am the sender, so sender attributes are :
<attribute name="protocol" value="as2"/>
<attribute name="content_transfer_encoding" value="8bit"/>
<attribute name="compression_type" value="ZLIB"/>
<attribute name="mdnsubject" value="XXXXXX"/>
<attribute name="as2_url" value="http://XXXXXX"/> <!-- This should be the Company message receiving URL -->my customer
<attribute name="as2_mdn_to" value="http://XXXXXX"/> <!-- This should be the Company MDN receiving URL --> my customer
<attribute name="as2_mdn_options" value="signed-receipt-protocol=optional,pkcs7-signature;signed-receipt-micalg=optional,sha1"/>
<attribute name= "EDIINT-Features" value= "multiple-attachments"/>
<attribute name="Content-Transfer-Encoding" value = "binary"/>
<attribute name="Content-Type: application" value ="application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name="smime.p7m"/>
<attribute name="encrypt" value="3DES"/>
<attribute name="sign" value="SHA1"/>
My customer sends MDN automtically, and when receiving the file, a positive MDN is sent if message status is "processed".
The problem is :
Each time I test, I receive a Negative MDN from his system with the logs below:
multipart/signed part fails signature validation: Error DigestMismatch
Cryptography provider Microsoft .NET 4.0 crypto API
Error description: Crypto exception: The hash value is not correct.
Differences may be caused by sending in non-canonalized text mime parts that use lines separators different from CR/LF (RFC 3851 section 3.1.1.)”
When I checked on;
the answer I have is that his communication parameters do not understand Linux files.
I send Order message with linux content, that is to say, my .xml file has end of line symbols like :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>LF
But his system understands windows content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>CRLF
How could my customer set his parameters to manage my files ?
Thank you for your help.