4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 16, 2018 7:51 AM by mayerw01

    Extracting a trustore credential reference


      Hello everyone,

      I would like to extract the credential reference value from an elytron truststore in order to reference in my Keycloak trsustore SPI.

      The extract below is my truststore:


           <key-store name="kcTrustStore">

                              <credential-reference clear-text="bWJD4xV9ylcfAHHm6S8VMviQ0Q8zpoQ/pwI02zsDQnQ="/>

                              <implementation type="JKS"/>

                              <file path="/opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/configuration/keystores/truststore.jks"/>




      The cli command below let me get access to the credential-reference but not the value itself:



      The truststore SPI is configured like below:

      <spi name="truststore">

          <provider name="file" enabled="true">


                  <property name="file" value="path to your .jks file containing public certificates"/>

                  <property name="password" value="password"/>

                  <property name="hostname-verification-policy" value="WILDCARD"/>

                  <property name="disabled" value="false"/>





      The cli commands below let me configure the SPI parameters execpt for the password value (in bold)



      /subsystem=keycloak-server/spi=truststore/provider=file/:map-put(name=properties,key=file, value=/opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/configuration/keystores/truststore.jks)

      /subsystem=keycloak-server/spi=truststore/provider=file/:map-put(name=properties,key=password, value={clear-text=$keycloak_tls_truststore_password})

      /subsystem=keycloak-server/spi=truststore/provider=file/:map-put(name=properties,key=hostname-verification-policy, value="WILDCARD")


      How could I extract the the credential-reference in order to put ii in my SPI?

      Can I put it in a cli system-property for example?

