1. Re: Wildfly 14 doesn't always call AsyncListener.onComplete()
jstourac Dec 3, 2018 1:34 PM (in response to peter.lang)Hi Peter, thanks for reporting this here. It looks like a regression in Undertow.
swd847 could you please look at it? Looking briefly to the changes between 2.0.11.Final and 2.0.12.Final [1], there are two commits that might be related to this change of behavior:
If this is really a bug, then this is quite a serious regression, right?
[1] Comparing 2.0.11.Final...2.0.12.Final · undertow-io/undertow · GitHub
2. Re: Wildfly 14 doesn't always call AsyncListener.onComplete()
mchoma Dec 6, 2018 8:13 AM (in response to peter.lang)I have created [UNDERTOW-1455] Asynchronous servlet, onComplete() is not called when error occures - JBoss Issue Tracker for this issue.
peter.lang please could you try workaround from UNDERTOW-1455.
3. Re: Wildfly 14 doesn't always call AsyncListener.onComplete()
peter.lang Dec 6, 2018 10:38 AM (in response to mchoma)Hi Martin,
I updated my sample on github and created a branch 'undertow-1455-workaround'.
What are your expectations, if I call AsyncContext.complete() in the onError() callback should I receive the onComplete() callback as well?
In my modified sample the ErrorHandlingAsyncListener.onError() calls AsyncContext.complete() as suggested, but the listener for onComplete() gets not called by container.
Thanks for your help,
4. Re: Wildfly 14 doesn't always call AsyncListener.onComplete()
mchoma Dec 7, 2018 4:32 AM (in response to peter.lang)You are right, only workaround I see now is to "Move cleanup onComplete() code to onError() method"
5. Re: Wildfly 14 doesn't always call AsyncListener.onComplete()
peter.lang Dec 7, 2018 4:51 AM (in response to mchoma)Thanks for the feedback. Sure I could call cleanup code in onError() as workaround in the meantime, until UNDERTOW-1455 gets fixed.