0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2018 4:04 AM by sairndain1

    Red Hat Fuse Quickstart app "Content Based Router - Java DSL" does not work... -I.e., "work" folder is not created...what's wrong?


      Red Hat Fuse Quickstart app "Content Based Router - Java DSL" template does not work... -I.e., when built run and deployed (to "Red Hat Fuse 7.1") the main "work" folder is never created.


      Note that the "Content Based Router - Blueprint DSL"  **does** work (i.e., it uses blueprint.xml file to define route, rather than Java code).


      I'm using the template found in "Red Hat Developer Studio"...



      File-->New-->Fuse Integration Project-->[create project name]-->choose "Standalone" platform,  choose "Karaf/Fuse on Karaf"--> under "Beginner" choose "Content Based Router - Java DSL" --> Finish-->  etc.....


      Built and hot deployed... Starts, runs,  - but, does not create the parent "work" folder (much less the other subfolders)....


      Any hints or pointers on what might be missing.


      Is Java DSL going by the wayside in favor of Spring DSL and/or Blueprint DSL?....


      Thanks for any help!    :-)


      Red Hat Developer Studio, Version: 12.9.0.GA


