1. Re: Maximum transactions limit
tomjenkinson Dec 12, 2018 9:40 AM (in response to dnlsaravanan)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHi,
Thanks for your interest in Narayana.
dnlsaravanan wrote:
what's the maximum number of transactions limit?
There is no specific limit
dnlsaravanan wrote:
Number of transactions per second?
This will depend on your hardware
dnlsaravanan wrote:
Is there any support contract we must acquire for using Narayana transaction manager / Blacktie services?
Narayana is an LGPL2.1 open source community project so anyone is able to use it (in line with those licence terms).
If you would like to purchase paid support for Narayana, Red Hat [1] do offer that for the core transaction manager when used within EAP. Red Hat do not provide commercial support for the BlackTie component itself.
2. Re: Maximum transactions limit
syedatifhusain Dec 14, 2018 10:54 PM (in response to dnlsaravanan)thanks for the replies.
If we use Narayana transaction manager in a Java appliaction to manage JTA based global transactions, do we need to to install Narayana server or just adding the narayana-spring-jta jars to the pom of the application is enough?
3. Re: Maximum transactions limit
zhfeng Dec 16, 2018 9:03 PM (in response to syedatifhusain)In term of using the Narayana with the standalone application, we have an quickstart of jta-and-hibernate-standalone [1]
if you wan to use the Narayana with integration with the Spring or the SpringBoot, you need to check these examples [2] and [3]
[1] quickstart/jta-and-hibernate-standalone at master · jbosstm/quickstart · GitHub
[2] quickstart/spring/jta at master · jbosstm/quickstart · GitHub
[3] quickstart/spring/narayana-spring-boot at master · jbosstm/quickstart · GitHub