1. Re: Loadbalancing between 2 apaches with mod_cluster
jfclere Feb 21, 2019 10:24 AM (in response to jeremy2235)Do you really want to use an Apache httpd to load-balance the 2 httpd? That looks like many steps for me.
2. Re: Loadbalancing between 2 apaches with mod_cluster
rhusar Feb 26, 2019 12:03 PM (in response to jeremy2235)I am also failing to see what's the advantage of this setup which adds an extra hop and doubles resources required for those requests. For setup with multiple balancers a typical use case is to use hardware load balancer or use DNS balancing.
3. Re: Loadbalancing between 2 apaches with mod_cluster
jeremy2235 Mar 5, 2019 12:34 PM (in response to rhusar)Hi,
I agree that's not a typical usage but there are some security policy on the project which force me to use separate apaches. Anyway we finally convice our client to use a hardware balancer to do that.
But I am still curious to know if it was possible to do it in some way.
Thanks for your answers.
4. Re: Loadbalancing between 2 apaches with mod_cluster
rhusar Mar 26, 2019 2:03 PM (in response to jeremy2235)I cannot currently see why this would not be possible, sure, it would add one more network hop. You should be able to configure this statically in WildFly when using the proxy profile and direct them to mod_cluster balancers. But one mod_cluster balancer cannot automatically register with another balancers.
5. Re: Loadbalancing between 2 apaches with mod_cluster
jeremy2235 Apr 15, 2019 5:35 AM (in response to rhusar)Ok thank you. I will stay with hardware loadbalancer.