I have three separated spring boot projects configured with Narayana and JPA
* account-service : create new account
* payment-service : create new payment
* trx-service : just an endpoint to call account and payment endpoints
and I want to coordinate transaction between them.
The scenario is like this :
call account api call payment api
via a gateway let's call it trx-service.
I want to rollback transactions in account-service if anything goes wrong with payment-service.
How can I do that ? is it possible ?
you can find full source code here in github to reproduce the error. and let me know if anything I am doing wrong.
GitHub - omidp/narayana-dt: narayana distributed transactions
I think you could use the spring boot starter: quickstart/pom.xml at master · jbosstm/quickstart · GitHub
Remember it is crucial per process to set a different transactionManagerId