1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 23, 2019 2:04 AM by riyasathe

    Installing TR069 openACS on ubuntu 14.04



      As environment, I have JDK 1.7, Apache ant 1.9.3 , MySQL server 5.5 . I am referencing to this link , I installed the last version of jboss-as-7.1.1 . I am in the step of installing MySQL connector, the problem is that when I add a driver in standalone.xml file there is no change in server it's not added 




      <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS" pool-name="ExampleDS" enabled="true" use-java-context="true">










      <driver name="mysql" module="com.mysql">



      <driver name="h2" module="com.h2database.h2">




