0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 25, 2019 7:20 AM by spulatkan

    Upgrade of Artemis 2.6.3.jbossorg-001 on Wildfly 14+ server does not allow disabling (artemis) 1x jms topic and queue prefixes


      We were using Wildfly 13.0.0 Final with remote connector to Artemis 2.6.2 server with following change on broker.xml acceptor definition


      <acceptor name="artemis">tcp://;multicastPrefix=jms.topic.;


      We wanted to upgrade to Wildfly 15.0.1 Final but we noticed that topics are created with prefix "jms.topic.". And subscriptions are made to topics with prefix, after it tries to delete existing subscription/queue on existing topic without prefix. I tried to find a configuration to disable use of prefixes but it did not work (JMS client was allowing a configuration but it is being overriden by Wildfly). standalone.xml system property:


      <property name="org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.jms.ActiveMQJMSClient.enable1xPrefixes" value="false" />


      With https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-9407 , it seems this flag is set to true explicitly (ActiveMQResourceAdapter constructor and ConnectionFactoryAdd.createConfiguration method).





      And still it is true on master branch.


      Will this be the case on all future releases of Wildfly or will there be a configuration to disable 1x prefixes? Since we had the topics and queues without the prefix on our active environments, we would like to use without prefix. For consumers, we can set topicPrefix as ActivationConfigProperty but while producing the message, the messages are still being set to the topic with "jms.topic." prefix.


      This is also the case for Thorntail by the way, 2.3.0.Final is using wildfly-messaging-activemq version 15.0.1.Final