1. Re: Moving forward Narayana CDI spec dependencies to 2.0
tomjenkinson Apr 2, 2019 10:22 AM (in response to ochaloup)It looks feasible in the sense that when integrating with WildFly at least they appear to be 2.0: wildfly/pom.xml at 349dc917fedb6d6ef5a66eafb41584621fb3b583 · wildfly/wildfly · GitHub since [WFLY-10740] Update Weld to 3.0.5.Final (core and API) and CDI API to 2.0.SP1 - JBoss Issue Tracker
Does it have any backwards compatibility issues for Narayana? E.g. do we have to wait till version 6 of Narayana to do this?
2. Re: Moving forward Narayana CDI spec dependencies to 2.0
ochaloup Apr 2, 2019 10:43 AM (in response to tomjenkinson)The question about the need to propose the Narayana version 6 was another question which I have had in my mind.
The integration to WFLY should not make an issue. 2.0 is implemented for WFLY already for two years.
The compatibility issue is that the new release of jta-cdi of Narayana will need to be deployed to containers supporting 2.0. Otherwise there should not be an issue. If we will do so we need to check with containers, the Narayana is implemented at, if they support CDI 2.0.
With knowing this I'm not sure if we need to go with 6.0.0 with such change or we can go just with 5.10.
3. Re: Moving forward Narayana CDI spec dependencies to 2.0
tomjenkinson Apr 2, 2019 12:15 PM (in response to ochaloup)If it means we could not deploy into a CDI 1.2 container any more I think we should go with Narayana 6