1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 29, 2019 3:19 AM by ehugonnet

    Galleon Wildfly16 / upgrade Modules like Hibernate ORM/Search




      I have a question on provisioning a Wildfly 16 Server with the latest ORM 5.4.1 and Search 5.11.1


      as I have understood the galleon ist the replacement for the maven wildfly-server-provisioning-maven-plugin or ?

      and if so how can I select or set the version of ORM/Search to be integrated ?


      as described on Hibernate Search 5.11.1.Final: Reference Guide the replacement is done here with the maven plugin above https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en-US/html_single/#updating-wildfly-hibernatesearch-versions

      is there a plan to integrate this feature packs ?


      because as I see it now I can either use the galleon OR the maven-plugin for provisioning..


      my target is to include the latest possible ElasticSearch (and I don't want to include the modules it in the application EAR)


      perhaps somebody can enlighten me :-)


      br horst