0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 11, 2019 11:06 AM by subhasish.mohanty

    Enable JMX Remote Access on Jboss 7.2 in standalone mode


      I am able to connect to the default JMX port i.e.9990 using JBoss Cli client from Jconsole or programmaticaly, but unable to connect to  to the remote port without using the JBoss Cli Client. What i need to do enable remote JMX on Jboss 7.2, i tried number of ways but without any success.


      Here is the URL which i am using to connect to JMX using Jboss CLI CLient which works through Jconsole once i add the Jboss client jar to the class path else it doesn't allow:



      If i connect through jconsole using  URL below on Jconsole:




      If any help on how to connect without using Jboss CLi Client would be much appreciated