0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 1, 2019 4:17 PM by mleite

    ActiveMQ/Artemis resource configuration


      Hello, there!


      My point is about ActiveMQ/Artemis resource configuration.


      I have the following situation:


      I have configured a jms-queue named 'my-queue', this queue is under general 'address-setting' configuration with max-size-bytes="104857600", page-size-bytes="10485760", page-max-cache-size="10", that means, 'my-queue' will have 100MB of size in memory before start paging and after reach it's 100MB of size it starts paging. According to the settings, it will have 10 pages of 10MB of size each page, in memory (page-max-cache-size helps with that).


      Now, if I add one more queue with also 100MB of size, will it share paging settings or it will also have 10 pages of 10MB for paging for the new address?


      Thanks in advance!