0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 19, 2019 6:36 PM by nimo22

    how to inject "javax.cache.CacheManager" by Wildfly


      In wildfly 17, I can use the following code to inject the cache (provided by infinispan):


      // no need for web.xml resource-ref
      private EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager;


      I have included the official jcache-lib (and not the infinispan-jcache) within my pom.xml:


          <!--  include javax.cache-api -->

          <!-- no need for infinispan-jcache as this is already provided by wildfly server? -->








      All works.


      However, how can I inject the javax.cache.CacheManager by Wildfly Container? The following injection does not work:


      private javax.cache.CacheManager cacheManager;


      Is there a way to get the javax.cache.CacheManager by EmbeddedCacheManager?