1. Re: Unable to configure "indexed-enity" with remote indexing and protobuf
anistor Aug 19, 2019 9:10 AM (in response to jreimann-1)Hi, if you plan to use java objects + serialization + hibernate search annotations for indexing (with remote cache), please have a look here Infinispan 9.4 User Guide regarding the steps needed in order to deploy those classes to the server side (the classes you have listed in 'indexed-entities' need to be provided to the serve too, not just to the client). But if you prefer to use protobuf marshalling (I would encourage that route) then just ignore that warning and do not list any class name under 'indexed-entities', also do not deploy those classes to the server because server does not need them (it uses the proto schema); the classes are for client only, in this case. So why the warning in this particular case? It's a pretty trivial and benign bug. Please jira it so we can have a bette look at it. Thanks!
2. Re: Unable to configure "indexed-enity" with remote indexing and protobuf
jreimann-1 Aug 19, 2019 9:16 AM (in response to anistor)As I tried to say with:
Using remote indexing with protobuf, as described in [1], it is necessary to upload a schema file, and not have server side, Java classes.
I am already using protobuf. However, the warning:
ISPN000403: No indexable classes were defined for this indexed cache; switching to autodetection (support for autodetection will be removed in Infinispan 10.0)
indicates to me, that this way will no longer work with Infinispan 10. And I would prefer to have something which is expected to work with version 10 as well.
3. Re: Unable to configure "indexed-enity" with remote indexing and protobuf
anistor Sep 4, 2019 3:54 AM (in response to jreimann-1)As I was saying, it's a benign bug that the warning exists. You are fine ignoring it. This warning was not meant for the protobuf use case. And the code that causes it will be redone in this infinispan version.