0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 16, 2019 8:17 AM by monty0

    @Traced annotation questions

      Hi, I'm not understanding how to add @Traced annotations and get them to work in Wildfly 17. If there's another, more appropriate, forum to post this please let me know!


      I added this to my `pom.xml`









      Then in code that gets called during my tests I added


      import org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing.Traced;



          public void someMethod() {...}


      When I run my load tests against my app, I get traces of the http api methods that are called, but nothing for when those api methods call my `@Traced` methods,except in one class that has these annotations:






      I'm guessing that somehow the @RequestScoped annotation triggers the tracing? But it seems to be more than that, if I just add @RequestScoped to someMethod() above, it doesn't seem to get picked up in the trace. There must be something I'm missing.

      What is the right way to add an `@Traced` annotation and be sure that it gets picked up during a request?

      My next question is going to be how to add such an annotation to my hibernate classes that I don't have direct access to.

