I have updated my WildFly server from 10.1 to 18.0.0.
Now I'm facing wired issue while download PDF as well as XLSX files larger than certain size.
Say for example,
if I try to download XLSX file of size 50kb or more,
I find some headers (like - Content-Type, Content-Length, Content-Disposition, etc.) missing from response object although I set those explicitily from my application while writing file in response output stream. As a result the file is getting downloaded of uknown format.
But if I try to download XLSX file of smaller size (around 20kb), the file is getting downloaded in correct format will all response headers present as I set.
I know it's too wired and parhaps this question seems silly or owakward but let me assure you that everything was good with WildFly 10.1.
Can anyone give an idea what could be the reason?