0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 15, 2020 8:16 AM by tero.saarni

    Optimal IPv4 + IPv6 settings for WildFly on Linux?


      Is it possible to create single configuration that would work on both:

      • WildFly on Linux with IPv4 only configuration
      • WildFly on Linux with IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack configuration

      so that single deployment would work with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses seamlessly.


      In the WildFly Admin Guide chapter "4.3. IPv4 versus IPv6" there are both JDK related settings and WildFly related settings that needs to be adjusted accordingly.  But can this be simplified if assuming running on Linux platform only? 


      Is it necessary to have e.g. own wrapper scripts implementing probing of IPv4 / IPv6 capabilities, or could WildFly adapt itself with proper settings?