1. Re: Legacy security to Elytron Migration
walkerca Jan 23, 2020 12:31 PM (in response to dnovo)I'm going to have to do this soon and was going to add the JDBC and LDAP Realms to the single security domain. Have you tried this to see if they behave as "sufficient"?
2. Re: Legacy security to Elytron Migration
dnovo Jan 23, 2020 1:49 PM (in response to walkerca)Hi Carl,
I've done several tests and it seams like if it fails in first realm, authentication fails. I was unable to reproduce sufficient behavior with Elytron.
Maybe something was wrong with my configuration.
If you succeed let me know.
3. Re: Legacy security to Elytron Migration
walkerca Jan 23, 2020 5:30 PM (in response to dnovo)I'm getting the same thing. I created a Two-Realm Security Domain. Only the first one is being used probably because it's the one referenced in the Default Realm attribute.
I looked into Realm Mappers, but this seems to be for mappings mechanisms (BASIC, CERT, DIGEST) to different Realms within the same Security Domain.
I'm hoping the password stacking feature wasn't dropped. wildfly Elytron Security-Domain with multiple Security-Realm
4. Re: Legacy security to Elytron Migration
walkerca Jan 24, 2020 11:21 AM (in response to walkerca)This isn't supported, but there's a feature request to add it. Please vote for it and your specific use case to help justify the change.
[WFCORE-4485] Support for multiple security realms - Distributed Identities - Red Hat Issue Tracker