4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 23, 2020 11:53 AM by walkerca

    Management API For Domain add-content, add Operations




      I'm automating a deployment.  I was able to deploy to a standalone instance using the pair of requests in the docs (add-content followed up with a deploy operation).  I'm having trouble getting this working with domain mode.  My /add-content returns "success", but I don't see the artifact in the Content Repository when I connect using the HAL Console.


      I've tried taking the BYTES_VALUE and putting it into a deploy request with server-groups specified, but I get


        WFLYCTL0030: No resource definition is registered for address...


      Is there a comprehensive listing of the API?  I see some examples and the general command format in the guide but nothing that would say the specific parameters for an add-content payload.




        • 1. Re: Management API For Domain add-content, add Operations
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          • 2. Re: Management API For Domain add-content, add Operations

            Thanks Tomaz.  I don't see in the list of attributes where I would specify the server-groups.  When I use the "enabled" and "content" attributes from you link, I'm able to add a JAR to the content repository.  But unlike STANADLONE, the JAR isn't deployed anywhere. Is there a follow-up command I need to issue to go from Content Repository -> server-group ?

            • 3. Re: Management API For Domain add-content, add Operations

              Here's my request.  It's called after a previous /add-content returns the BYTES_VALUE.  Everything works if I remove the server-group field and deploy to STANDALONE.


                  "content":[{"hash": {"BYTES_VALUE" : "Dp7LYVNS/qQhtArfdceQzGhEtLI="}}],

                  "address": [{"server-group":"main-server-group"},{"deployment":"bitbucket-demo-1.0.jar"}],




              This is the 500 error I get back when using the above request in DOMAIN mode


                 "outcome" : "failed",

                 "failure-description" : {

                    "domain-failure-description" : "WFLYCTL0216: Management resource '[(\"deployment\" => \"bitbucket-demo-1.0.jar\")]' not found"


                 "rolled-back" : true


              • 4. Re: Management API For Domain add-content, add Operations

                This post answers my question: failure to deploy using the http json management api?


                You have to do three things to deploy to a domain's server-group


                1. Add the content


                POST to /add-content


                2. Using the BYTES_VALUE from 1, deploy it globally



                    "content":[{"hash": {"BYTES_VALUE" : "Dp7LYVNS/qQhtArfdceQzGhEtLI="}}],

                    "address": [{"deployment":"bitbucket-demo-1.0.jar"}],




                3. Assign it to a server-group


                    "address": [{"server-group": "main-server-group"}, {"deployment":bitbucket-demo-1.0.jar"}],


