1. Re: How to maintain process modification on multiple branches for multiple environments
juancarlosvaca Feb 14, 2020 3:12 PM (in response to sheriefshawky)Maybe this can help you.
1.- create a repo in GitHub or another site
2.- Clone your code form kie server using git clone (Check this site How to Git Clone a Drools KIE WorkBench Repository - Intertech Blog ). In my case "git clone ssh://wbadmin@localhost:8001/MySpace/credito.hipotecario". If you work on Linux maybe you have to configure ssh before the git clone command, to do so, edit ~/.ssh/config file and add
Host localhostVerifyHostKeyDNS no
StrictHostKeyChecking no
HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
Save the file, and issue git clone.
3.- Once cloned, go to the project folder and issue this command "git remote -v" In my case a got this
git remote -v
origin http://localhost:8080/business-central/git/my-jbpm/sample.jbpm (fetch)
origin http://localhost:8080/business-central/git/my-jbpm/sample.jbpm (push)
Then rename the remote using this command
git remote rename origin kie
and verify using
git remote -v
4.- Add a new remote pointing to your github repo
git remote add origin https://github.com/github/your_new_poject.git
5.- Now push your code to the new remote (This is git stuff)
git push -f origin master
origin is the name of the remote
master is the name of the branch
-f tells git ignore any commit the remote and make prevail may local repository commits (caution is required here, and make sure you understand what -f flag does)
6.- Now you can make changes in KIE server, when finish, go to the command line and issue this command
git pull kie master
and then
git push origin master
This way, you have centralized your code in GitHub, and you can apply your workflow as you need, create branches, etc.
Now, how to upload GitHub code into KIE server of every team member.
1.- Create a brand new project in KIE server
2.- Clone GitHub project
3.- add a remote pointing to your kie repo
git remote add kie https://github.com/lasalazarr/cloudbanco.git
4.- execute
git push -f kie master (remember that -f flag overrides repository commits to preserving yours)
As you can see, this is a game of push and pull into the correct remote.
The next time you have to execute "git pull origin master" and then "git push kie master" or "git pull kie master" and "git push origin master"
This approach has its caveats, and the team has to be very clear that the git -f can override the commits of the repo, so caution is necessary.
I hope this helps you.