1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 12, 2002 11:56 AM by jbossid

    database data cache???


      i have a stateless session bean which is validating username & password .
      first if i enter a correct username and password ,it is showing me sucess ,next time if i enter wrong username password though it is showing me sucess.
      if i enter wrong username,password first time it is showing not sucess but once if i enetr correct username and password from the next request it is showing me suceess.i don't know why i am getting this .
      if i see server in command prompt it is not at all calling remove() method.
      even i called remove() method in client code .but it is not showing that it is called remove() method.

        • 1. Re: database data cache???

          sorry i got this as well actually the ejb container can call remove() on its own.so here i can't see my ejbRemove().

          and the thing is sorted out.its wrong in my client code