0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 29, 2002 3:46 AM by ionel

    session facade bean and local name binding


      I'm trying to develop a session bean facade to hide some CMP beans from the outside.

      These CMP's are only defined with local intefaces.

      The SLSB has a remote inteface and is trying to connect the CMP throught their local inteface but it seems like the name binding fails.

      I've found informations about the <ejb-ref> or <ejb-local-ref> tagsfor the session bean definition in ejb-jar.xml but each definitions is different from the other so I can't figure out which is the good one (even if I've tried them both)

      I also wonder which tag to put in the jboss.xml file. Do my CMP beans have to be declared with a <jndi-name> or a <jndi-local-name> tag ?

      Last point : when deploying the .jar file with a <ejb-ref> defined in the ejb-jar.xml file, no "nickname binding" is created for the CMP as almost all docs say.

      DOCS USED :
      - "Rules and Patterns for Session Facades" - Kyles Brown - (c) IBM
      - "Mastering EJB II" - Ed Roman
      - Differents EJB/Java forums

      Thanks for any help,

      here are my description files :

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd">


      <!-- <prim-key-class>personne.personnePK</prim-key-class> -->
      id organisme dont depend la personne
      heure d envoi du mail
      heure de fin de travail
      heure du debut de travail
      adresse email ou contacter la personne
      nom de la personne
      numero de tel ou l on peut joindre la personne
      prenom de la personne
      id unique de la personne




      <ejb-ql>select distinct object(p) from personneBean p where p.nom=?1</ejb-ql>

      <ejb-ql>select distinct object(p) from personneBean p</ejb-ql>

      <!-- <prim-key-class>organisme.organismePK</prim-key-class> -->
      nom de l organisme
      mail de l organisme
      url du site de l entreprise
      adresse du siege de l entreprise
      numero de tel du standard de l entreprise
      id unique de l entreprise




      <ejb-ql>select distinct object(o) from organismeBean o where o.nom=?1</ejb-ql>










      <?xml version="1.0"?>




