0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 23, 2002 8:28 AM by ddenev

    Method not found in bean class: remove(Object)



      I have a stateless session bean:

      local interface:
      package com.eurisko.oktabit.utils.ejb;
      import javax.ejb.*;
      public interface ImageGetterLocal extends EJBLocalObject {
      public Object getImage(String imageId) throws FinderException;
      local home interface:
      package com.eurisko.oktabit.utils.ejb;
      import javax.ejb.*;
      public interface ImageGetterLocalHome extends EJBLocalHome {
      public ImageGetterLocal create() throws CreateException;
      bean class:
      package com.eurisko.oktabit.utils.ejb;
      import java.util.*;
      import javax.ejb.*;
      import javax.naming.*;
      import com.eurisko.oktabit.ejb.product.*;
      import com.eurisko.ejb.utils.EJBHomeFactory;
      public class ImageGetterEJB implements SessionBean {
      public Object getImage(String imageId) throws FinderException {
      public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sCtx) {}
      public void ejbCreate() {}
      public void ejbRemove() {}
      public void ejbActivate() {}
      public void ejbPassivate() {}







      and when I deploy I get the exception:
      14:21:23,324 ERROR [EjbModule] Initialization failed
      java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Method not found in bean class: remove(Object)

      Does anybody know what's going on?

      10x in advance.