0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 4, 2003 1:10 PM by xsantana

    EJB-QL problem


      Hi all,

      I'm getting a problem trying to run these EJB-QJ queries:

      - QUERY1: SELECT OBJECT(e) FROM EntregaVenta e WHERE e.enviament IS NULL

      - QUERY2: SELECT OBJECT(e) FROM EntregaVenta e WHERE e.enviament IS NULL OR e.enviament.envioIdPk=?1

      - QUERY3: SELECT OBJECT(e) FROM EntregaVenta e WHERE e.enviament.envioIdPk=?1 OR e.enviament IS NULL

      where 'enviament' is a CMR field with multiplicity 1, of EntregaVenta EJB..

      The first query returns 20 results, and the other ones return only 1 result ...

      Queries 2 and 3 should return at least as many results as query 1. Is there anything wrong in the queries? Is there any limitation on EJB-QL / JBOSS-QL that can cause this error?

      Thanks in advance,
