2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 21, 2004 7:51 PM by bigdaddy

    access EJB by JNDI behind router - lookup fails


      I have been struggling to get access to an EJB on jboss 3.0.4 from a tomcat JSP in another network. If JBOSS server is on it's own dedicated IP with no router, it works fine. Behind the router, it hangs getting the lookup. We traced through it and found that after setting jboss-service.xml webservice host and bindaddress and also the NamingService BindAddress, that it would only bind to the LAN static ip, and threw an exception binding to the WAN IP on startup. Bound to the LAN IP, tomcat can't get to it. Looking at the packets, it seems tomcat is being passed back the jndi LAN ip and not the WAN IP so it hangs...

      HELP!!! Is There a way to make this work??? any way to make a typical linksys router allow JBOSS box to get the WAN IP? can that be done? how can we make JBOSS bind and / or respond with the WAN IP ?

      As i mentioned, without the router in the mix, lookup works fine. locally, the lookup works fine. with tomcat and jboss on same side of router, works fine.

      Any help is most appreciated.
      Thanks in advance.