2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 16, 2003 12:48 PM by garmany

    Jikes compiler


      I'm running JBoss 2-4-1 together with Tomcat 3-2-3. I want Tomcat to compile with Jikes. How? I have uncommented following lines in Tomcat:s web.xml:


      But JBoss doesn't seem to take any notice of web.xml at all anyway...
      Anyone got a clue?

        • 1. Re: Jikes compiler

          I have got jikes almost working with the following entry in web.xml (I am using JBoss 3.0.4 w/ Tomcat 4.1.12 on Win2K w/ Jikes 1.14). However when I try to display a jsp, I get an error in the log telling me that jikes does not recognize the -encoding flag. I have read elsewhere that windows versions of jikes doesn't support -encoding. Is there any way around this?

          <param-value>(my jdk home)/jre/lib/rt.jar;(other stuff)</param-value>
          <param-value>(my jikes home)\bin\jikes.exe</param-value>

          • 2. Re: Jikes compiler

            Sorry if this is a duplicate post, my first attempt seems to have gotten lost

            I am running JBoss 3.0.4/Tomcat 4.1.12 on Win2K and using jikes 1.14. I have almost got jikes configured as my jsp compiler using the following servlet entry in web.xml, however when attempting to display a page, I get an error in the log saying that jikes doesn't recognize the -encoding flag. I have read elsewhere that the windows version of jikes doesn't support -encoding. Is there any way around this?

            <param-value>(my jdk home)/jre/lib/rt.jar;(other stuff)</param-value>
            <param-value>(my jikes home)\bin\jikes.exe</param-value>