1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 5, 2002 9:41 AM by burs

    HTTP Staus 500 error - No context configured


      I am running the JBoss 2.4.4 - Tomcat 4.0.1 install on a Windows XP. There are no errors when I start run_with_catalina.bat. At that point I just wanted to test if I could get to Tomcat by going to 'http://localhost:8080/' or http://localhost:8080/examples/'. Normally this would bring up the generic Tomcat page (1st case) or the index.html file under the examples context. Instead of getting that I receive the following error:

      HTTP Status 500: No Context configured to process this request

      I don't know what is going on. Could it be XP or that build on XP.

      Any thoughts?

      Thanks - Peter

        • 1. Re: HTTP Staus 500 error - No context configured

          Hi there,

          There are already answers to your questions, just search for it in the Forum if the things below do not help.

          Check that you have a servlet mapping like:

          where the servlet is defined as:


          in your web.xml

          Note that your deployed directory must be named /deploy/examples.war

          Hope this helps
