0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 10, 2002 6:43 AM by mathpets

    NEWBIE QUESTION - Struts setup in Jboss-tomcat bundle


      Hi there,

      I am currently setting up Struts 1.13 to work with Jboss-2.4.4_Tomcat3.2.3. I have read the forum on http://main.jboss.org/thread.jsp?forum=50&thread=2184&message=30581&q=struts#30581 and have done exactly the same thing but I'm still having trouble.

      I'm running a very simple test jsp containing only a <bean:message> tag. And it is giving me this error: javax.servlet.ServletException: Missing message for key test.hello

      I am quite sure it's an enviorment problem but I would hope that someone can be kind enough to give me another set of eyes because I have been dealing with this for too long and running out of ideas.

      My environment is set up as below:

      %JBOSS_DIST%/deploy contains my ear file.
      My ear file has:
      - ejb-jar file
      - war file
      - struts.jar
      - application.xml under the meta-inf/

      My war file has:
      - manifest.mf which contains the line
      "class-path: struts.jar"
      - necessary classes under WEB-INF/classes/
      - web app images, css ... etc
      - WEB-INF/*.tld
      - WEB-INF/struts.xml, web.xml

      struts.jar is also under %JBOSS_DIST%/lib/ext

      Can someone please be so kind and give me some hints? I am really running out of ideas. Your help is deeply appreciate.

      Thank you very much!