1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 13, 2002 9:52 AM by skailas

    ServletException causes shutdown of JBOSS


      I am using JBoss-2.4.4_Tomcat-4.0.1 deployed on Linux server (2.4.17).
      If the deployed servlet init() method throw ServletException, the jboss server is invoking the Shutdown of all the services. Please the following is snippet of the server log.
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,581,EmbeddedCatalinaServiceSX] BookInventoryServlet: init
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,880,Default] Shutting down
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,881,ServiceControl] Stopping 48 MBeans
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,883,MailService] Stopping
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,885,MailService] Mail service 'Mail' removed from JNDI
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,885,MailService] Stopped
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,962,RMIConnectorService] Stopping
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,962,RMIConnectorService] Stopped
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,963,JMXAdaptorService] Stopping
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,964,JMXAdaptorService] Stopped
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,964,AutoDeployer] Stopping
      [2002-04-12 23:14:27,964,AutoDeployer] Stopped
      Is this a default behavior and is there any way this could be changed using config. parameters.

      I appreciate any help on this.


        • 1. Re: ServletException causes shutdown of JBOSS

          The shutdown was triggered when the servlet tried to access an EJB which had errors when the application was auto deployed.

          I looked at the JBOSS java source org.jboss.ejb.ContainerFactory.java and it seems like when the "verifyDeployments" set true and if the verification fails, deployment continues without throwing