0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 1, 2002 3:45 PM by mack81

    Reloging mechanism


      Hi there all. I am developing a web application with jboss 2.4.4 with embedded catalina. The app involves logging and session management. What i am trying to do now is a reloging mechanism. That is, after ten minutes of session inactivity, i would like to ask to user to retype his/her password. Here comes the problem: after the user susscesfully relogins, I would like to send him on the page he was trying to access when the relog page appeared.How the hack do I do that?Is there a method to set parameter names and values for the HttpServletRequest object?I only found for attributes, which isn't of much help...
      One more thing: i've tried to save each time the request object, and when the user succesfully relogins, to dispatch the request to the resource he was trying to acces, but passing the old request object which contained the info i needed. But to my surprise, i noticed that the old request object (which i saved in the session) was in fact the new one. Why is this happening?
      Please give me a hint...I'm kind of desperate...