0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 30, 2003 8:27 PM by scoy

    URL parameter issue in JBoss 3.0.6/ Jetty 4.2.x


      The latest Jetty has changed the way it parses url parameters.

      Our application contains URLs similar to:


      Note the "expand" parameter has no value.

      Our web programmer has been referring to this kind of parameter as an "unvalued" parameter, and indeed this is how earlier incarnartions of Jetty treated it.

      The struts tag:

      <logic:present parameter="expand">

      used to return true for this case, so presumably

      request.getParameter("expand") was returning an empty string or something.
      The current version of Jetty seems to return null instead.

      I suspect that it should be considered an "unamed" parameter, but I've been unable to find much information on it.

      If anyone can shed some light on what the expected behaviour is in this situation, I'd appreciate it. I've had a hunt around on Google, etc, but can't find anything definitive.