1 2 3 Previous Next 30 Replies Latest reply on Dec 21, 2007 11:28 AM by peterj Go to original post
      • 30. Re: Unwaring web app - leaves some files in the war

        Yes, by the the 21st I mean today (actually, I meant tomorrow ;-)). It's not there yet but there is still a lot of day left.

        Do not add the URLDeploymentScanner to bootstrap-beans.xml. The URLDeploymentScanner is an mbean while the beans in bootstrap-beans.xml are pojos. On 4.x, all deployers were mbeans within the jmx kernel, but in 5.0 the deployers are pojo beans in the microcontainer (the rewriting of the deployers is why deployment is an adventure on 5.0). What you should do is find the attributes you are interested in changing in bootstrap-beans.xml and change those (like the 'scanPeriod' attribute of the 'HDScanner' bean.)

        And no I did not test the hot swap by touching application.xml.

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