2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 9, 2003 8:21 PM by dd_macle

    jetty error: 400,bad request,missing content



      This problem has puzzled me serval days.

      I established a website using the JBOSS3.2.1+Jetty. The development platform is Struts1.0. The warning message of "22:15:57,023 WARN [jbossweb] WARNING: POST /NSSB/SB05_fileImport.do HTTP/1.1 HttpException(400,Bad Request,Missing Content)
      " occured when I uploaded a file larger than 100K. I develeped this function using the upload component of Struts1.0. I searched the whole internet for this issue, but got nothing.

      Could anybody help me? Thx forward.
