1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 23, 2003 12:45 AM by draftdog

    Which version of Tomcat / JspC and NullPointerException


      I'm attempting to precompile my JSPs for use with Tomcat.

      We're using JBoss 3.2.2.

      From peeking around CVS, I believe that JBoss 3.2.2 packages up Tomcat 4.1.27.

      However, my ant task fails:

      [echo] Precompiling JSPs for cairo-admin ...
      [echo] build.generate.web.dir = C:\workspace\Cairo\source\cairoadmin\build\web
      [echo] build.generate.jsp.dir = C:\workspace\Cairo\source\cairoadmin\build\generate\org\apache\jsp
      [jasperc] 2003-12-19 11:34:24 - ERROR-the file '\tiles\aaa.jsp' generated the following general exception: java.lang.N
      [jasperc] error:org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Error compiling \tiles\aaa.jsp
      [jasperc] at org.apache.jasper.JspC.processFile(JspC.java:596)
      [jasperc] at org.apache.jasper.JspC.execute(JspC.java:801)
      [jasperc] at org.apache.jasper.JspC.main(JspC.java:823)

      I've been experimenting, to determine the cause of this error. It has something to do with the use of a custom JSP tag library.

      I'm trying to figure out something about the code that's failing inside JspC.

      The line numbers don't match up against JspC.java 1.15
      (from cvs.apache.org:/home/cvs/public/jakarta-tomcat-4.0\jasper\src\share\org\apache\jasper\JspC.java)

      Is there some hidden, patched version of JspC as part of JBoss? Where's the source?

        • 1. Re: Which version of Tomcat / JspC and NullPointerException

          your JSP cannot be compiled, probably because you did not import the taglibs correctly or because you are using the wrong (or no) namespace for the associated tags

          does the JSP page show when you do not precompile and run your webapp ?

          post your JSP here to make sure there is no syntax error

          there is no need to go into the JspC source :-)

          if you're not sure about the JSP code, let an IDE check it for you