1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 3, 2004 4:11 PM by mrgarageman

    JSP cached


      I am using JBoss-3.2.5. One of my JSPs presents a list of objects retreived from a database. I am using the same JSP for different types of objects. Running the JSP for the first type of objects shows a list of all retreived objects. The list of the retreived objects for the second type of objects is empty and when I run the same JSP, instead of presenting an empty list of objects, it still shows the list of the previous objects. Is there any configuration parameter I can use to disable this kind of caching. I started having this problem since JBoss 3.0.8 release with Tomcat. I have never had this kind of problem with Jetty (JBoss 3.0.7 and earlier releases).


        • 1. Re: JSP cached

          try using scope="page" instead of scope="session" in your useBean tag. example <jsp:useBean scope="page" id="myclass" class="directory.myclass" />