6 Replies Latest reply on Jun 26, 2007 5:16 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    reRender in <a4j:commandLink> in t:dataTable or t:dataList N


      Hello together,

      I have a Problem similar to http://jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=105067&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0

      My Environment is:
      * Ajax4JSF 1.1 an 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT tried
      * Tomcat 5.5
      * MyFaces 1.1.5
      * Facelets 1.1.11
      * Tomahawk
      * Trinidad 1.0.0 Incubating

      On my page there is a h:inputText, where the user can enter a String. When the form is submitted, a customers, that match this string are listed with a h:dataTable or h:dataList.

      Each row / element contains a a4j:commandLink with a a4j:actionparam to set the customer to the accountForm.

      If I click the link, the request is done. But nothing happens.

      If I render the list with a c:forEach and create the a4j:commandLink "by hand" it works.

      So I think there is a Problem, detecting the correct element.

      I tried the Ajax4jsf 1.1.1 SNAPSHOT. And build a ajax4jsf from the current svn trunk yesterday. All that didn't help.

      Thanks for your help.

      Nils Eckert

      Here is the Code:


      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"
       xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
       xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:t="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk"
       <ui:composition template="layout.xhtml">
       <ui:define name="title">#{text['accountForm.title']}</ui:define>
       <ui:define name="content">
       <a4j:log hotkey="L" />
       <t:saveState id="account" value="#{accountForm.account}" />
       <f:loadBundle var="text" basename="#{accountForm.bundleName}" />
       <t:messages showDetail="true" showSummary="false" />
       <h:form id="accountForm">
       <div style="float: right;"><h:panelGroup styleClass="buttonBar bottom">
       <h:commandButton value="#{text['button.save']}" action="#{accountForm.save}" id="save" styleClass="button" />
       <c:if test="${not empty accountForm.account.id}">
       <h:commandButton value="#{text['button.delete']}" action="#{accountForm.delete}" id="delete" styleClass="button" />
       <h:commandButton value="#{text['button.cancel']}" action="cancel" immediate="true" id="cancel" styleClass="button" />
       <h:outputLabel styleClass="desc" for="id" value="#{text['account.id']}" />
       <h:inputText styleClass="text small" id="id" value="#{accountForm.account.key.id}" readonly="true" />
       <h:outputLabel styleClass="desc" for="date" value="#{text['account.date']}" />
       <t:inputCalendar id="date" styleClass="text small" value="#{accountForm.account.date}" renderAsPopup="true"
       popupTodayString="#{example_messages['popup_today_string']}" popupDateFormat="dd.MM.yyyy"
       popupWeekString="#{example_messages['popup_week_string']}" helpText="dd.MM.yyyy" forceId="true"
       popupButtonImageUrl="images/fam_silk_icons/calendar.png" renderPopupButtonAsImage="true">
       <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" timeZone="CET"/>
       <t:message for="date" styleClass="fieldError" />
       <h:outputLabel styleClass="desc" for="customer" value="#{text['customer.fullname']}" />
       <h:inputText styleClass="text large" id="customer" value="#{accountForm.account.customer.fullName}"
       readonly="true" />
       <t:message for="customer" styleClass="fieldError" />
       <ui:define name="right">
       <div class="box"><a4j:form ajaxSubmit="true" reRender="customerSearchResult">
       <h:outputLabel for="input" styleClass="desc" value="Kundensuche:" />
       <h:inputText id="userName" styleClass="text medium" value="#{customerList.searchString}" />
       <a4j:commandButton value="GO" image="images/fam_silk_icons/zoom.png" />
       </a4j:form><a4j:outputPanel id="customerSearchResult">
       <c:when test="#{not empty customerList.searchResult}">
       <h:form class="smallHeightOverflow">
       <h:dataTable value="#{customerList.searchResult}" var="customer" styleClass="table" rowClasses="odd, even">
       <a4j:commandLink id="chooseCustomer" value="#{customer.fullName}" reRender="customer, customerno"
       action="#{accountForm.update}" styleClass="output">
       <a4j:actionparam name="customerNo" assignTo="#{accountForm.customerNo}" value="#{customer.key.id}" />
       <c:when test="#{customerList.searchString}">
       <p>Keine Kunden gefunden.</p>

      package de.neckert.webapp.action;
      import java.io.Serializable;
      import java.math.BigDecimal;
      import java.util.Map;
      import java.util.TreeMap;
      import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
      import de.neckert.model.Account;
      import de.neckert.model.AccountItem;
      import de.neckert.model.Customer;
      import de.neckert.service.AbstractAccountManager;
      import de.neckert.webapp.action.base.BasePage;
      public class AccountForm extends BasePage implements Serializable {
       private static final long serialVersionUID = 4604220211994183235L;
       private AbstractAccountManager<Account> accountManager;
       private Account account = new Account();
       private AccountItem currentItem;
       private Long id;
       private Map<String, String> unities;
       private TreeMap<String, Float> taxPositions;
       public void setAccountManager(AbstractAccountManager<Account> accountManager) {
       this.accountManager = accountManager;
       public Account getAccount() {
       return account;
       public void setAccount(Account account) {
       this.account = account;
       public AccountItem getCurrentItem() {
       if (currentItem == null) {
       currentItem = new AccountItem();
       currentItem.setPrice(new BigDecimal(60));
       return currentItem;
       public void setCurrentItem(AccountItem currentItem) {
       this.currentItem = currentItem;
       public void setId(Long id) {
       this.id = id;
       public String edit() {
       if (id != null) {
       account = accountManager.get(getKey(id));
       } else {
       account = new Account();
       return EDIT;
       public String addItem() {
       currentItem = null;
       return EDIT;
       public String update() {
       return null;
       public void setCustomerNo(Long id) {
       if (id != null) {
       Customer customer = getCustomerManager().get(getKey(id));
       if (customer != null) {
       public String save() {
       boolean isNew = (account.getId() == null);
       String key = (isNew) ? "account.added" : "account.updated";
       if (isNew) {
       return LIST;
       } else {
       return EDIT;

      package de.neckert.webapp.action;
      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.List;
      import de.neckert.model.Customer;
      import de.neckert.service.CustomerManager;
      import de.neckert.webapp.action.base.BasePage;
      public class CustomerList extends BasePage {
       private CustomerManager customerManager;
       private String searchString;
       private List<Customer> searchResult;
       public CustomerList() {
       public void setCustomerManager(CustomerManager customerManager) {
       this.customerManager = customerManager;
       public String getSearchString() {
       return searchString;
       public void setSearchString(String searchString) {
       this.searchString = searchString;
       public List<Customer> getCustomers() {
       return customerManager.getAll(sortColumn, ascending, getUser());
       public List<Customer> getSearchResult() {
       if (searchResult == null) {
       List<Customer> result;
       if (searchString != null && searchString.length() != 0) {
       result = customerManager.find(searchString, getUser());
       } else {
       result = new ArrayList<Customer>();
       sortColumn = "fullName";
       searchResult = sort(result);
       return searchResult;

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN"

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
       xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">
       <distributable />
       <!-- precompiled jsp mappings -->
       <!-- Define the default CSS Theme -->
       <!-- Define the basename for a resource bundle for I18N -->
       <!-- Fallback locale if no bundles found for browser's preferred locale -->
       <!-- Force a single locale using param-name 'javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.locale' -->
       <!-- Context Configuration locations for Spring XML files -->
       classpath*:/applicationContext-resources.xml classpath*:/applicationContext-dao.xml
       classpath*:/applicationContext-service.xml classpath*:/applicationContext.xml
       /WEB-INF/applicationContext*.xml /WEB-INF/security.xml
       <!-- FaceletViewHandler configuration -->
       <!-- Use client-side state saving. In Trinidad, it is an
       optimized, token-based mechanism that is almost always a
       better choice than the standard JSF server-side state saving. -->
       <param-value>/WEB-INF/taglibs/corejsf-validator.taglib.xml; /WEB-INF/taglibs/tomahawk.taglib.xml</param-value>
       <!-- <filter>
       </filter> -->
       <!-- <filter>
       </filter> -->
       <!-- Remove this filter if you're using iBATIS, use OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter if using JPA -->
       <!-- Commented out for 2 reasons: 1) it's a pain when developing JSPs, and
       2) it causes the Signup webtest to fail -->
       <!-- <filter-mapping>
       </filter-mapping> -->
       <!-- <filter-mapping>
       <!-- resource loader servlet -->
       <web-resource-name>Protect XHTML Templates</web-resource-name>
       <auth-constraint />

        • 1. Re: reRender in <a4j:commandLink> in t:dataTable or t:dataLi

          At first..

          As it mentioned in Trinidad documents and as it mentioned in ajax4jsf docs - There is no need to define Facelets view handler in the faces-config if you already defined it in web.xml. It may cause different problems.

          Also there is no need to define both context params. Just keep one of them defined.

          Lets continue after these changes.

          • 2. Re: reRender in <a4j:commandLink> in t:dataTable or t:dataLi


            thank you for your quick response.

            I've removed


            from my web.xml. The server run's. But the error is still the same.

            Nils Eckert

            • 3. Re: reRender in <a4j:commandLink> in t:dataTable or t:dataLi

              did you also removed definition from your faces config? This must be performed if you defines alternateViewHandlers param?

              • 4. Re: reRender in <a4j:commandLink> in t:dataTable or t:dataLi


                I first had removed it from the web.xml as mentioned in my last post.

                After your response, I reverted this and removed it from the faces-config.xml.

                But that seems not to be the problem.

                I did some experiments and noticed that this strange behaviour only occures when the a4j:outputPanel had already been reRendered.

                Perhabs I'm loosing the viewState?

                Is this Code correct?

                <a4j:form ajaxSubmit="true" reRender="customerSearchResult">
                 <h:outputLabel for="input" styleClass="desc" value="Kundensuche:" />
                 <h:inputText id="userName" styleClass="text medium" value="#{customerList.searchString}" />
                 <a4j:commandButton value="GO" image="images/fam_silk_icons/zoom.png" />
                </a4j:form><a4j:outputPanel id="customerSearchResult">
                 <c:when test="#{not empty customerList.searchResult}">
                 <h:form class="smallHeightOverflow">
                 <h:dataTable value="#{customerList.searchResult}" var="customer" styleClass="table" rowClasses="odd, even">
                 <a4j:commandLink id="chooseCustomer" value="#{customer.fullName}" reRender="customerSearchResult, customer, customerno"
                 action="#{accountForm.update}" styleClass="output">
                 <a4j:actionparam name="customerNo" assignTo="#{accountForm.customerNo}" value="#{customer.key.id}" />
                 <c:when test="#{customerList.searchString}">
                 <p>Keine Kunden gefunden.</p>

                I mentioned in my first post, that it works with the reRendered searchResult Part, when I'm replacing the dataTable or dataList with a unordered List created in a forEach Loop by hand like that:

                <h:form class="smallHeightOverflow">
                 <c:forEach items="#{customerList.searchResult}" var="customer">
                 <li><a4j:commandLink id="chooseCustomer" value="#{customer.fullName}" reRender="customer"
                 action="#{accountForm.update}" styleClass="output">
                 <a4j:actionparam name="customerNo" assignTo="#{accountForm.customerNo}" value="#{customer.key.id}" />
                 <a4j:actionparam assignTo="#{customerList.searchString}" value="#{customerList.searchString}" />

                Thanks for your help.

                Nils Eckert

                • 5. Re: reRender in <a4j:commandLink> in t:dataTable or t:dataLi

                  please post the example at http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/AJSF-68 . We will investigate the problem more close.

                  • 6. Re: reRender in <a4j:commandLink> in t:dataTable or t:dataLi

                    bug suspended because example absent.