12 Replies Latest reply on Jan 8, 2009 6:34 PM by maeste

    Features and plan for Wise webgui


      Hi all,
      we are starting our development for Wise 1.0. This release will be totally focused on core, adding support for some WS-*, first release of LMS ( http://www.javalinuxlabs.org/drupal/?q=node/10) in JBoss.org project, and other cool feature (a complete roadmap will be available soon, we are in evaluation of Jira issues).
      This version aims to provide stable APIs to the community, with hopefully very few changes from 0.9.
      Even if it will be scheduled for 1.1 or so, I think it's time to start discussion about Wise webgui with feature requests and ideas, and maybe also some decision about implementation to be totally sure APIs we are defining are really complete and suitable for the webgui.

      Ideally some works started in a branch/workspace would be the best. Some one interested from community?

      My personal thought (very general) is:

      * It would provide at least feature of javalinux.it implementation http://www.javalinuxlabs.org/drupal/?q=node/9
      * GWT is a good solution (to be evaluated)
      * It has to provide an easy way to generate client code and/or config files. IOW not only a client to call webservice, but also a tool to make one more time easier to call webservice using wise

      Ok, these are the main points. I have more detailed ideas, but I'd like to start our discussion from here before go in deep and details all minimal feature.

        • 1. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui

          You know there is some interest from the comunity ;)

          I think that should be easy to redo the old Wise GUI (wise guy?). But I have to... start!

          • 2. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui


            I think that should be easy to redo the old Wise GUI (wise guy?). But I have to... start!

            Not bad name indeed :).
            Great, implement (with GWT I guess) would be a great starting point. As said it would be a start not a final target.
            Some other features would be implemented. My personal priority list is:
            1. Integration with LMS
            2. support to create sample code invoking a ws and/or esb configuration to wise inside esb (about smooks mapping I think some people is doing it as eclips plugin, Mark isn't it?).
            3. make possible to store on db input and output object used for an invocation giving it a symbolic name. It would be very good to retry user tests and verify output.
            4. Support of uddi to retrive ws

            Any other ideas?

            • 3. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui

              Also GWT-Ext may be a good choice.

              I've done some experiments during this week end with this framework. The old GUI design is like a seam app and is quite different from what would be done using a UI framework like GWT or GWT-Ext. The old GUI is page oriented. A GWT application is different and more like a desktop application.

              • 4. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui


                "fdg" wrote:
                Also GWT-Ext may be a good choice.

                Yep, GWT-Ext have a great look and feel and widget.
                Maybe we would have problem with GPL license...anyway there are other people in JBoss.org using GWT and AFAIK GWT-Ext too who could comment about license and their experience about.

                "fdg" wrote:

                The old GUI is page oriented. A GWT application is different and more like a desktop application.

                And I think it's better for the Wise webgui goals.

                Thanks for the interest

                • 5. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui


                  "maeste" wrote:
                  "fdg" wrote:
                  Also GWT-Ext may be a good choice.

                  Maybe we would have problem with GPL license...
                  "fdg" wrote:

                  Another solution is YUI, that is distributed with the BSD license. There isn't any GWT-YUI integration like with ExtJS. I think it is not difficult to do (GWT JSNI and overlay type are very helpful for the integration of JS libraries within GWT applications), but it is one more thing to do.

                  • 6. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui

                    bad quoting...

                    • 7. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui

                      Any news about the licensing issues?

                      • 8. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui

                        Another solution may be smartclient. It has a GWT integration and it's LGPL.


                        • 9. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui

                          Our lawyers are concerned about the licensing around GWT-Ext and the behaviour of the people behind it, so we are making an effort to migrate off it.

                          • 10. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui

                            There is a related thread in the GWT developer forum:

                            Basically GWT-Ext is LGPL until 2.0.5 but changed version afterwards.
                            ExtJS until 2.0.2 if i remember correctly. If you start a new project you shouldn't be using it. We already have a number of poeple working with GWT on JBoss projects, so we better join forces and come up with a solution ourselves. The current proposal is contribution to gwt mosaic. Please refer to the thread above for further details.

                            • 11. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui

                              Actually I'm working to outline the structure of the project, create basic build files to package the webapp to be deployed and to execute it in gwt hosted mode by anyone that gets the project from the repository. To do this a requirement is to have a copy of gwt installed locally. There are different version of gwt for mac, linux and windows so the right version must be downloaded and installed. Moreover the project should be configured to find the gwt directory and target the right gwt-dev-<your-computer-os>.jar. It is not possible to put this file anywere in the project because... probably it works to build the app in web mode only, but not to run it in hosted mode.

                              The simpliest solution to do that is to put some instructions to download gwt in the Readme file and to require a build.properties to be created locally with the right variables defined. I don't like it very mutch. Another solution may be to use maven like the jBPM Console. But I have to admit I don't know anything about it. So, to proceed I have to choice the first one, for now.

                              • 12. Re: Features and plan for Wise webgui

                                oki, the first solution is good for the moment.
                                We are planning to switch to maven the whole project at some stage https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/WISE-64
                                We are going for 1.0 release (hopefully this week end) and then we will (re)open discussion about next steps of the project which will include the webguy for sure and maybe maven too.

                                Thanks for the interest