2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 4, 2008 4:30 AM by maeste

    different mappers than smooks


      Hi folks,
      I've been working in last days (or weeks) on https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/WISE-33 : support of different mapper library for wise, att least to have some simpler config files for simple cases.

      I tried to add support for dozer (WISE-72) , but I have to leave this way because dozer suppose user to know type of source and destination object at compile time, and delegate to xml configuration files only "personalization" of the mapping (just as example field name).

      I have spent a lot of time on that (too much in fact) because we agreed it would be nice to have some different tools supporting mapping for wise. But I haven't found a good solution (also beanutils have IMHO too much limitation). If no one have better idea, my opinion is to continue to support only smooks as mapping utility, and concentrate our efforts on much more important features and making APIs stables.
      Any comments are more than welcome

        • 1. Re: different mappers than smooks


          "maeste" wrote:

          I have spent a lot of time on that (too much in fact) because we agreed it would be nice to have some different tools supporting mapping for wise. But I haven't found a good solution (also beanutils have IMHO too much limitation). If no one have better idea, my opinion is to continue to support only smooks as mapping utility, and concentrate our efforts on much more important features and making APIs stables.
          Any comments are more than welcome

          I also spent some time to think about it and did investigation . No lucky thing.
          IMO, I think it would be better if we provide a tool whether it is WebUI or a smooks mapper to handle the complex wsdl (webservice invocation) for the wise1.0 release. It also needs a sample for the complex webservice invocation which demonstrates Wise1.0 can do it. I did not look at the old webUI tool. How much efforts should we take to enable old WebUI provide the useful information to compose the smooks configuration?

          • 2. Re: different mappers than smooks


            "jim.ma" wrote:

            I also spent some time to think about it and did investigation . No lucky thing.
            IMO, I think it would be better if we provide a tool whether it is WebUI or a smooks mapper to handle the complex wsdl (webservice invocation) for the wise1.0 release. It also needs a sample for the complex webservice invocation which demonstrates Wise1.0 can do it. I did not look at the old webUI tool. How much efforts should we take to enable old WebUI provide the useful information to compose the smooks configuration?

            Not a lot, but it needs a review for new APIs. I think it could be included in next iteration (1.1), not for this month.
            We can concentrate during this iteration on making APIs stable including WS-* and maybe JAX-RS.