0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 9, 2009 5:05 PM by maeste

    Wise 1.0 released


      Our great team is proud to announce the 1.0 release of Wise project.

      This release contains the Wise-core and Wise-Lms module

      Wise-core module 1.0 release aims to provide stable APIs for JAX-WS webservice invocation and some new cool feature. Take a look to our Programmers guide for a complete description of the features and possible uses of our APIs. Let us remark some of these features:

      * Support of MTOM, WS-Security, and WS-Addressing
      * Support of (J)Ruby. As for Groovy, the question is why Wise instead of some native Ruby WS client? For a lot of reasons, like Smooks transformation support, support of WS-*
      * Initial support of JAX-RS
      * More samples

      Wise-Lms module is a new module: Lms is an acronym for Logging Meta Service. Lms' goal and use are very similar to the axis' tcp monitor ones: it logs any tcp communication and gives developers the opportunity to review any request-response communications. Lms is a JBoss deployable application (an ear) and have a jmx mbean as application core and a web user interface to make its use easy. To have more information please refer to our documentation of Wise-Lms module.

      What are next step for the project? For sure we will work in next weeks on JBossESB integration, but we have already opened discussion on 1.1 roadmap and something will be announced very very soon. Join the discussion on our forums and give your 2c on roadmap discussion and/or give us your feedback about current version. Of course feel free to report bugs or feature requests in our Jira

      You can find this announcement also on our blog http://jbosswise.blogspot.com/