Planning next releases
maeste Jan 11, 2009 5:00 PMHi folks,
now that Wise 1.0 is released we have to start to plan our next release. I'd like to open here the discussion about to decide on what next release have to be mainly focused.
We have a lot of ways we can evaluate. In my mind all these things have to be implemented at some stage, but of course we have to decide priorities for them and schedule some of these for next release. I try to put here the main ideas in a descending priority order. Please give me your opinions and feel free to add your thoughts
1. Start developement of webgui. IMHO Its description and plans merit a dedicated 3ad. I'll try to open it tonight too.
2. Add other WS-* implementation to support all WS-* supported by jbossws or related JBoss projects (ie WS-RM, WS-Transaction...please don't consider WS-Eventing I had too much pain with it ;))
3. Finish JAX-RS implementation (some issues opened by Jervis) and complete JAX-RS sample
4. Project cleanup (some issues opened related to maven and docbook). In particular I think it need to be mavenized since it have too much dependencies and their maintenance could easy become full of pain.
5. More samples. It would demonstarte advanced using with complex wsdls and complex smooks transformation. It would be good to have also some samples demonstrating possible other integration, ie with seam or Jython. A bit more unit tests too.
6. Starting server side development (or better investigation of its feasibility) . In a nutshell I have in mind a similar approach we are using to develop WS client also to deploy WS service modifying classes and introducing annotation. This idea could be interesting if we can provide an easy way to deploy service based on classes existing only runtime (aka smooks generated) or classes wrapping scripting language. Have I gotten you the idea? Please ask and/or discuss this point.
7. Issue LMS related on Jira opened by Alessio
8. Invocation starting from other sources than Java classes (i.e csv or EDI file) using Smooks features. It isn't just a sample, because, even if Smooks support these transformation out of the box, we need some support to support iterative invocation of Wise client. This point could be a subtask of point 9
9. Wise as Smooks Visitor.
That's all for the moment.
Any thoughts are more than welcome