0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 18, 2003 6:33 AM by tscondor



      I have a form base authentication in my web application.
      I use a login.jsp page for login with 2 parameter:
      j_username and j_password
      In my auth.conf (I use Jboss 2.4.10) I have write the query.
      And it's work fine.

      But, now, I want change my login page adding another text input for login. How to set an another field?
      I changed my query in this mode:

      principalsQuery="select trim(pwd) from es_pwd where userid=? and office=?"
      rolesQuery="select trim(profile), 'Roles' from es_profile where fk_userid=? and fk_office=?"

      But don't work. The error is:
      No specified value for parameter 2.

      How to configure correctly auth.conf?
