1 2 Previous Next 25 Replies Latest reply on Feb 24, 2006 3:52 PM by starksm64 Go to original post
      • 15. Re: classic

        The only way I managed to do it, was using the POST="j_security_check" of my login.jsp FORM. I didn´t really like the solution, but I couldn´t find anything else.

        • 16. Re: classic


          "tthiele" wrote:
          The ClientLoginModule places the principals and credentials which are aquired by the previous login module(s) in a magic way to a magic place where bean invocation mechanism passes them to the container resp. beans. I suppose the security information is associated with the Thread object. But I don't know the details. Can someone give a pointer to the documentation (not the java sources)?

          Very interesting, but then if I have a multi threaded swing application (I do) how do I propagate that magical stuff? I have to call the server ejbs in a number of places and it's quite ugly to programmatically auth the user on every call.
          I'm sure I'm not the only one using ejb/jaas this way. Has anyone found a solution?

          • 17. Re: classic

            There's a little err in the callback class, this one is compiling

            public void handle(Callback[] callbacks)
            throws java.io.IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException {
            for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
            if (callbacks instanceof NameCallback){
            NameCallback nc = (NameCallback)callbacks
            } else if (callbacks instanceof PasswordCallback) {
            PasswordCallback pc = (PasswordCallback)callbacks
            } else {
            throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callbacks , "Unrecognized Callback");

            • 18. Re: classic


              "Darknight" wrote:
              Very interesting, but then if I have a multi threaded swing application (I do) how do I propagate that magical stuff? I have to call the server ejbs in a number of places and it's quite ugly to programmatically auth the user on every call.
              I'm sure I'm not the only one using ejb/jaas this way. Has anyone found a solution?

              We had exactly the same problem and wrote an Interceptor + special InitialContextFactory for that: http://wiki.nightlabs.de/en/Library:NightLabsCascadedAuthenticationJBoss

              Not nice, but working fine.

              • 19. Re: classic

                Well, not exactly the same problem, but very similar (cascaded authentication within a server) and I think that you could use this solution in the client as well. It simply "sticks" the authentication information to the connection (your bean handle) instead of the thread. IMHO easier handling and more straight-forward when working with different servers or sharing EJB handles between different client threads.

                • 20. Re: classic


                  "tthiele" wrote:
                  hmmm... I think there is this missing in your application-policy as the last login-module:

                  code = "org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule"
                  flag = "required">

                  Using JBAS 4.0.1sp1
                  Just for the record, that also solves the problem for those of us who were getting an "anonymous" Principal from the SessionContext (EJBContext).
                  The Principal and Credential were just not propagated between the servlet container and the EJB container when using the standard JNDI InitialContext setup such as:

                  properties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, principal);
                  properties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, credential);

                  When adding the org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule after our custom login module, the Principal and Credential are properly propagated.

                  I find this, once again, a typical JBoss way of doing things, quit disturbing however, as I found nowhere reference to this in the JBoss docs (and I wonder if the J2EE specs are really OK with this, but I didn't find anything so far that said they were not).


                  "Optimists are just misinformed pessimists."

                  • 21. Re: classic

                    There never has been any statement about using the JNDI InitialContext as the means of providing the user login info. JBoss has always used JAAS and this is in complete accord with the specs.

                    • 22. Re: classic


                      "scott.stark@jboss.org" wrote:
                      There never has been any statement about using the JNDI InitialContext as the means of providing the user login info. JBoss has always used JAAS and this is in complete accord with the specs.

                      I didn't say it wasn't.
                      however, many large projects use JBoss only for development and Websphere or Weblogic for production, so application portability between app servers is key. Security propagation between containers through JNDI has become a de facto standard.
                      This "feature" is simply missing in JBoss.
                      As for JAAS being the best solution for doing Ejb authorization, that's just a question of point of view.


                      • 24. Re: classic

                        is there a possibility to define the usage of the JndiLoginInitialContextFactory in the ear?
                        didn't find anything. Thanks for any help.


                        • 25. Re: classic

                          No, you just use it if there is no existing security context.

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