2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 25, 2005 4:46 AM by can_i

    Client EJB under RMI+SSL


      Hello everybody,

      I have an EJB and I want to run under SSL. I configured Jboss to use SSL, but I don't know what changes I have to do in my client code.
      I supose that I have to say to client that the communication will be under SSL, but I don't know how.

      Can anybody help me?

      Thanks and regards

        • 1. Re: Client EJB under RMI+SSL

          i'm also looking for such decision like rmi over ssl and can only suggest that there must be certificat changing mechanis. May be details can be get from JSSE manuals at java.sun.com. At jboss4guide this package is represented for ssl support.

          • 2. Re: Client EJB under RMI+SSL

            1. use keytool to generate keystore file.
            keytool -genkey -alias rmi+ssl -keyalg RSA -keystore test.keystore -validity 3650
            generate test.keystore file,put this file under ...jboss\...\default\lib.

            2. modify ...\default\conf\jboss-service.xml
            3 modify jboss.xml

            5 Client:
            [run] java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=C:\...\test.keystore ...