1. Re: Updating user credentials
neelixx Oct 1, 2005 10:21 AM (in response to tremalnaik)Hmmmm.....
I don't think it's the browser cache, as that would mean you are using cookies? If you are storing their logon in their session, how about this:
1). Store the page they are currently at in a variable
2). Store the username and password from the updatePassword form.
3). Upon successful completion of changing their password send them to a servlet (say updateLogonServlet).
4). updateLogonServlet should logoff their session, and then logon using their new password
5). redirect them back to the page they were at.
Haven't tried this myself, but it sounds like it would work. -
2. Re: Updating user credentials
neelixx Oct 1, 2005 2:31 PM (in response to tremalnaik)tremalnaik,
While doing some research on a project I'm working on, I ran across this on the Wiki. Haven't used it, but sounds like it may help:
Good Luck!
--Aaron -
3. Re: Updating user credentials
niwhsa Oct 3, 2005 1:48 AM (in response to tremalnaik)Some thoughts::
Seems like the earlier impl of relogin the user (behind the scenes) is a better idea as the other option involves using mbean code. Kinda ties you up a lot to jboss.
In J2EE use as few native features as possible. In case you cant help using it, provide enough delegation/abstraction to make sure that the change (in case you need to change) in future is limited to one or two java files irrespective of project size. -
4. Re: Updating user credentials
tremalnaik Oct 3, 2005 10:16 AM (in response to tremalnaik)I don't think it's the browser cache, as that would mean you are using cookies? If you are storing their logon in their session, how about this:
yes, you're right, it's tomcat which stores user principal into session. I solved with a valve which performs the following:
1. flush user cache (see http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=CachingLoginCredentials)
2. reauthenticate user:Realm realm = this.getContainer().getRealm(); Principal principal = realm.authenticate(username, password);
3. update session:session.setPrincipal(principal);
all this happens transparently to the user
thanks everibody, -
5. Re: Updating user credentials
adhir.aima Jul 26, 2013 2:52 AM (in response to tremalnaik)where do you call the this.getContainer() I cannot find a supporting api