4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 9, 2007 8:42 AM by anil.saldhana

    @RunAs on MDB and not finished alignation of ejb3 security



      I'm running JBoss AS 4.2.1.GA and having similar problems described in topic


      When I'm trying to call security enabled session bean from MDB annotated with SecurityDomain and RunAs I'm still getting java.lang.IllegalStateException: No valid security context for the caller identity

      I've validated that call to context.getCallerPrincipal() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException

      I'm confused by duplicate tickets for this issue


      The first one is obviously closed as duplicate issue, but it's mentioned in 4.2.1 as fixed. Reason why I'm asking is because I can't find much of the changes (as tracked by subversion commits to JBAS-4423) in source code for 4.2.1.

      Is it me missing something or the issue is still there?

      Thanks a lot

      Radim Marek