1. Re: Alternative Verifiers instead of AnyCertVerifier
anil.saldhana Apr 6, 2009 2:50 AM (in response to fthurber)AnyCertVerifier was provided as a template that you can use to write your own custom verifier.
2. Re: Alternative Verifiers instead of AnyCertVerifier
fthurber Apr 9, 2009 10:00 AM (in response to fthurber)
Ah, yes, when I was reading the source, it seemed like a good place to start writing a custom module. I do not have time to do this in the current schedule, but will do it for the next cycle. Thanks Anil.
Note: One thing that helped when using this verifier and the BaseCertLoginModule was changing the SubjectDNMapping to the obscure SubjectCNMapping in the JBossSecurityMgrRealm in server.xml. In this way I only had to load the CN instead of the long, odious DN into the user-roles.properties file. -
3. Re: Alternative Verifiers instead of AnyCertVerifier
ghilling Sep 6, 2011 4:23 PM (in response to anil.saldhana)One additional question: is using the AnyCertVerifier not actually safe for web apps because the tomcat ssl handshake will do the authentication in web applications? And also check the expiration?