1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 14, 2002 2:01 PM by lorensrosen

    Time-Lag in HelloPublisher25



      i´m testing the HelloPublisher with JBoss2.4.4.
      I have changed the code to use RMIConnectionFactory.

      ------Snipped from HelloPublisher25.java-------------------------------------------------------------
      public static void main(String[] args) {
      try {

      //Create the HelloPublisher, giving it the name of the TopicConnection
      //Factory and the Topic destination to use in lookup.

      HelloPublisher25 publisher = new HelloPublisher25(
      // Name of ConnectionFactory
      // Name of destination to publish to

      // Publish 10 messages
      for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
      String msg = "Hello World no. " + i;
      System.out.println("Publishing message: " + msg);
      // Close down your publisher
      System.out.println("before close publisher !") ;
      System.out.println("after close publisher !") ;

      }catch(Exception ex) {
      System.err.println("An exception occured while testing HelloPublisher25: " + ex);

      ------Snipped from HelloPublisher25.java-------------------------------------------------------------

      The Function publishes the messages, but when the Program ends, it
      takes one minute, until the Program really stops, e.g. the DOS-Promt is visible.
      I have started it with "ant jms-hello-publisher25"

      [echo] Using resources from: D:\JBoss\examples\examples-2.4.4\examples/resources
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 1
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 2
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 3
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 4
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 5
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 6
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 7
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 8
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 9
      [java] Publishing message: Hello World no. 10
      [java] before close publisher !
      [java] nach TopicSessionClose
      [java] nach TopicConnectionClose
      [java] after close publisher !


      Total time: 1 minute 6 seconds

      The Message "[java] after close publisher !" is shown fast, then it takes about one minute
      until the following Messages "BUILD SUCCESSFUL...." are shown. What happens in
      this time ?

      regards Matthias

        • 1. Re: Time-Lag in HelloPublisher25

          First thing to try is to get more information from ant
          about what it's doing. Can you run it with the debug
          or verbose flags? On Unix this would be
          ant -verbose jms-hello-publisher25
          and similarly for -debug; I don't know the corresponding
          DOS syntax.