0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 2, 2002 6:15 AM by sainideepak

    jboss mbean and fiorano JMS



      I tried to use Fiorano JMS implementation from a message bean written for JBoss.
      i have added the JMS adapter class. but even now when i am trying to deploy a bean , i get the following error

      [INFO,AutoDeployer] Auto deploy of file:/C:/JBoss-2.4.4/deploy/mdb.jar
      [INFO,J2eeDeployer] Deploy J2EE application: file:/C:/JBoss-2.4.4/deploy/mdb.jar
      [INFO,J2eeDeployer] Create application mdb.jar
      [INFO,J2eeDeployer] install EJB module mdb.jar
      [INFO,ContainerFactory] Deploying:file:/C:/JBoss-2.4.4/tmp/deploy/Default/mdb.jar
      [INFO,ContainerFactory] Deploying MDB
      [INFO,Default] GetinitialContext called .
      [INFO,Default] Getting the provider URLhttp://localhost:1856
      [INFO,Default] Getting the Topicfactory refprimaryTCF
      [WARN,JMSContainerInvoker] destination not found: topic/primaryTopic reason: javax.naming.Na
      mingException: Lookup failed :: fiorano.jms.common.FioranoException: Invalid arguments passe
      d to the method :: The arguments passed are invalid :: Unable to lookup : TOPIC/PRIMARYTOPIC
      [Root exception is fiorano.jms.common.FioranoException: Invalid arguments passed to the met
      hod :: The arguments passed are invalid :: Unable to lookup : TOPIC/PRIMARYTOPIC]
      [WARN,JMSContainerInvoker] creating a new temporary destination: topic/primaryTopic
      this is happenign for all the examples. it is not able to look up the topics or the queues.
      What culd be the reason for that.
      Any help will be appreciated.
      deepak saini